Some of the most pressing issues facing Washington State revolve around housing and homelessness, including the high cost of housing, the availability of affordable housing, the number of people experiencing homelessness, and the soaring costs of building more housing. In the 2024 Legislative Session alone, there are hundreds of bills introduced that are related to these issues, so they are on the minds of all legislators, Democrats and Republicans alike.
Legislative Senate Page, Boen Liu asks Senators Kuderer and Fortunato what is being done to address the challenge of home ownership.
20 min Lesson Plan on Housing and Homelessness:
OR –
Give students a more comprehensive understanding of legislative committees with the 1 to 2 day
On The Issues: Legislative Committees Lesson Plan:
Discussion Questions:
1. Senator Kuderer speaks about a piece of legislation that she sponsored in the 2024 legislative session. How does she think that it would have ensured equitable housing?
2. What policies does Senator Kuderer believe will address the diminishing supply of homes?
3. Senator Fortunato speaks of entry level homes. How does he think increasing the amount of available land will increase the problem of diminishing housing supply?
4. What do you think are the main differences between the Senators' beliefs in how to best address the housing crisis?
5. What follow up questions could you ask of Senator Kuderer and Senator Fortunato to help you determine your own opinion?
On The Issues Playlist:
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