Teach with TVW offers three student driven, experiential civics programs for Washington State Social Studies Teachers to directly engage students inside the classroom with Washington State leaders and political experts. These Zoom based programs allow teachers and their students to engage and connect from across the state.

Capitol Classroom is our hands-on civics program where students across Washington State experience the legislative process by working directly with our team of volunteer lobbyists in Olympia via bi-weekly Zoom meetings. Classes choose actual bills to support, oppose, or amend. Then, under the guidance of a working lobbyist, they track and advocate for their bill as it moves through the legislature. This rich and immersive experience teaches students how to work within the system to make their voices heard. See Student Testimonies
Each year, Teach With TVW produces 2 to 3 episodes of TVW CONNECTS, a student-driven Q&A TV show hosted over Zoom. Students from across the state ask questions of elected officials, state leaders, and experts. TVW CONNECTS is an excellent tool for teachers to integrate into their civics curriculum, whether they participate live, or simply view as a class online. Students will learn from “the source” how our political system works, current issues, and how to become active citizens.

In a partnership with House and Senate Legislative Pages, Teach with TVW empowers students to learn more about what their state representatives think about the important issues of the day. Students research topics ranging from mental health care to climate change, formulate challenging questions, and then ask those questions of both Democratic and Republican leadership. State legislators respond, documenting where they stand “On the Issues”. Since each episode is only 5-6 minutes, these episodes are a great way to supplement civics curricula and engage students with topics that truly matter to them.
“I learned a lot about the legislative and lobbying process. This process also got me excited to get involved in the local and federal government.
Nora, 12th grade, Kingston High School
Thank you so much! I feel so lucky to have been a part of this experience.”
“This is an incredible program that allows students to really feel that they have a voice in our society. Once you give them the opportunity to be heard, they feel EMPOWERED.”
Corey Paulson, Teacher