What are the roles and responsibilities of Washington's Governor? Learn about this statewide elected office with former WA Governor Christine Gregoire.
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As the top elected official of the State of Washington, the Governor is essentially the commander in chief. By focusing on the responsibilities that the Governor has over the state of Washington, viewers will understand how the Governor works with the other statewide elected officials and the other branches of government.
Essential Questions:
❓What are the roles and responsibilities of the governor?
❓To what extent does the governor’s office work with the other branches of government?
❓How does the governor implement the law?
Organizing Concepts:
Executive branch, exploration of social issues and perspectives, transparency, accountability
This Lesson Plan
📚Statewide Elected Officials: The Governor Lesson Plan
📚Statewide Elected Officials Executive Branch Curriculum Map
🎬 Watch This Next: Lieutenant Governor
🎬 Playlist: The Executive Branch Playlist
📚Other CIVICS CURRICULA for WA middle and high school teachers: https://www.teachwithtvw.org/lesson-plans/
Other Teach With TVW Civics Video Playlists
🎬 Civics 101 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL75F8E2rv4SDcy6Oz3plxQCqpfNUb2HGf&feature=shared
🎬 Legislative Navigator https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL75F8E2rv4SD-p5BHx443GTtGBp_DKQVT&feature=shared
🎬 Learning Modules - The Branches of WA State Government:
Other Teach With TVW Civics Programs
🙋Capitol Classroom - Bring the Legislative process into your classroom: https://teachwithtvw.org/civic-participation-in-the-classroom/
🙋On The Issues - Youth bring the questions to WA state leadership: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL75F8E2rv4SCiQlpeW9JwnJepn87zNpDT&feature=shared
🙋TVW CONNECTS - WA students engage in live Q&A with political leaders and experts:
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What this video is about:
In this video series, students and viewers will learn about all nine elected offices of Washington state’s executive branch. This episode focuses on the Governor’s job and scope of her responsibilities and powers.
Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens.
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