Download Bingo Cards for the family, or the whole class!
One of my favorite things to do while watching a debate is play BINGO, which helps me keep track of arguments while also hoping to get BINGO before all my friends. Pay attention to what issues are being debated, jotting down notes in the margin for fact checking later. If you get a BINGO, email us a picture of your card and we will send out a prize!
Governor Debate:
Public Lands Commissioner Debate:
Attorney General Debate:
OSPI Debate:
Gain More Debate Watching Skills:
University of Washington Professor Matt McGarrity teaches the debate technique known as “flowing” and emphasizes to voters the importance of taking notes when watching televised debates.
Discussion Topics:
- How are televised debates typically framed and how might that be misleading?
- What are you missing as a voter, when the media summarizes a debate?
- Why do you benefit from watching the whole debate?
- What is the purpose of taking notes while watching a debate?
- How does following the ‘Flow’ of a debate help?
- What does capturing the ‘Claims’ and tracking the ‘Clash’ help you understand?
- What do commentators and pundits focus on?
- How does watching the entire debate help you as a citizen and voter?