Debate Bingo

Public Lands Commissioner Debate:

Gain More Debate Watching Skills:

- - - University of Washington Professor Matt McGarrity teaches the debate technique known as "flowing" and emphasizes to voters the importance of taking notes when watching televised debates.

Discussion Topics:
- How are televised debates typically framed and how might that be misleading?
- What are you missing as a voter, when the media summarizes a debate?
- Why do you benefit from watching the whole debate?
- What is the purpose of taking notes while watching a debate?
- How does following the ‘Flow’ of a debate help?
- What does capturing the ‘Claims’ and tracking the ‘Clash’ help you understand? 
- What do commentators and pundits focus on?
- How does watching the entire debate help you as a citizen and voter? 

Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens.


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- - - University of Washington Professor Matt McGarrity teaches the debate technique known as "flowing" and emphasizes to voters the importance of taking notes when watching televised debates.

Discussion Topics:
- How are televised debates typically framed and how might that be misleading?
- What are you missing as a voter, when the media summarizes a debate?
- Why do you benefit from watching the whole debate?
- What is the purpose of taking notes while watching a debate?
- How does following the ‘Flow’ of a debate help?
- What does capturing the ‘Claims’ and tracking the ‘Clash’ help you understand?
- What do commentators and pundits focus on?
- How does watching the entire debate help you as a citizen and voter?

Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens.


🎬 Check Out The Elections Explained Playlist

📚Check out our other CIVICS CURRICULA for WA middle and high school teachers:

Other Teach With TVW Civics Videos
🎬 Civics 101

🎬 Legislative Navigator

🎬 Learning Modules - The Branches of WA State Government:

Other Teach With TVW Civics Programs

🙋Capitol Classroom - Bring the Legislative process into your classroom:

🙋On The Issues - Youth bring the questions to WA state leadership:

🙋TVW CONNECTS - WA students engage in live Q&A with political leaders and experts:

Subscribe and Follow Teach With TVW
➡YT: @teachwithtvw360
➡FB: @Teach with TVW
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QUESTION - Have a question about our lesson plans or online videos? Drop it in the comments!

#TEACHwithTVW #CapitolClassroom #CONNECTS
#waleg #youthvoice #civics101 #participate #nextgenerationleaders #civilengagement #civicengagement #legislativeprocess #socialstudies #APGov

YouTube Video 9gemlH5np-8

University of Washington Professor Matt McGarrity teaches the debate technique known as “flowing” and emphasizes to voters the importance of taking notes when watching televised debates.

Discussion Topics:

  • How are televised debates typically framed and how might that be misleading?
  • What are you missing as a voter, when the media summarizes a debate?
  • Why do you benefit from watching the whole debate?
  • What is the purpose of taking notes while watching a debate?
  • How does following the ‘Flow’ of a debate help?
  • What does capturing the ‘Claims’ and tracking the ‘Clash’ help you understand?
  • What do commentators and pundits focus on?
  • How does watching the entire debate help you as a citizen and voter?

The Candidates Video Voters’ Guide:

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