2011 Capitol Classroom — Wenatchee High School

Following SB 5487 – Establishing a certification program for commercial egg laying chicken operations.

Bill Information

History and documents for SB 5487 on leg.wa.gov
Companion bill HB 1813
Substitute Senate Bill 5487
Initiative information on WA Secretary of State’s website

Bill Reports from Lobbyist

Bill Report on Mar. 30th

Classroom Video Connections

Video Connection 5 on April 19th with Denny Eliason:

Video Connection 4 on April 13th with Humane Society of USA Western Regional Director Jennifer Hillman:

Video Connection 3 on Mar. 30th with Denny Eliason and Dan Coyne:

Video Connection 2 on Mar. 8th with Sen. Linda Evans Parlette (R) and Denny Eliason:

Video Connection 1 on Feb. 22nd with Denny Eliason:

Legislative Video

Gov. Gregoire bill signing on May 10th:

Senate Final Passage of SSB 5487 on April 21st:

House Floor Debate on SSB 5487 on April 11th:

House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee executive session on SSB 5487 on Mar. 22nd:

House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee public hearing on SSB 5487 on Mar. 18th – includes testimony from Wenatchee High School students (via phone) and volunteer lobbyist Denny Eliason.

Senate Floor Debate on SB 5487 on Mar. 8th:

Executive Session on SB 5487 before the Senate Agriculture and Rural Economic Development Committee on Feb. 17th:

Public hearing on SB 5487 before the Senate Agriculture and Rural Economic Development Committee on Jan. 31:

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