2012 Capitol Classroom — Spanaway Lake High School

Following SB 6202 – Establishing alternative forms of governance for certain public schools.
And HB 2216 – Increasing penalties for vehicular homicide and vehicular assault.

Bill Information

History and documents for SB 6202 on leg.wa.gov
History and documents for HB 2216 on leg.wa.gov

Bill Reports from Lobbyist

Classroom Video Connections

Video connection 5 on March 9th with state lobbyist Brad Boswell and assistant Jenna McKenzie:

Video connection 4 on Feb. 28th with state lobbyist Brad Boswell:

Video connection 3 on Feb. 14th with state lobbyist Brad Boswell and assistant Jenna McKenzie:

Video connection 2 on Feb. 6th with Jenna McKenzie (assistant to state lobbyist Brad Boswell) and David Johnson (TVW):

Video connection 1 on Jan. 27th with state lobbyist Brad Boswell:

Legislative Video

Senate Ways and Means Committee executive session on 2nd SHB 2216 on Feb 27th:

Senate Ways and Means Committee hearing on amendment to 2nd SHB 2216 on Feb 27th:

Senate Ways and Means Committee public hearing on 2nd SHB 2216 on Feb. 27th:

Senate Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee public hearing on Jan. 18th:

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