Capitol Classroom + 2025

The 105 day long session began on January 13, 2025. For the following four months, the 98 House members and 49 Senators will be grappling with climate and energy concerns, rising housing costs, the budget, and the paramount duty of the state, K-12 education, amongst many other important issues. 

During this time Teach with TVW will be producing short explainer videos that showcase how policymaking works in Washington state, from bill filing, to public testimonies and final passage on the House and Senate Floors.

Bookmark this page as we will be posting weekly videos, along with supporting lesson plans, study guides and student workbooks for teaching how our state government works.

You can also sign up for our Newsletter and get weekly updates on CC+ and other classroom resources.


In order for a bill to move along in the Legislative Process, it must be voted on by the entire House and Senate. This is done "on the floor", where all members gather to hear and debate bills. These gatherings on the floor are very formal and strict procedural rules are followed. This allows debate to be civil, orderly, and timely in nature. In this 6 minute video, Ms. Paulson speaks to Lieutenant Governor Denny Heck, who is also President of the Senate, about the Orders of Business that help govern actions on the floor. Watch this before you watch a Floor Debate, so you, like the Lt. Governor, know what the heck is going on. 

More Learning resources:

📚Check out our other CIVICS CURRICULA for WA middle and high school teachers:
Other Teach With TVW Civics Videos
🎬 Civics 101

🎬 Legislative Navigator

🎬 Learning Modules - The Branches of WA State Government:

Other Teach With TVW Civics Programs

🙋Capitol Classroom - Bring the Legislative process into your classroom:

🙋On The Issues - Youth bring the questions to WA state leadership:

🙋TVW CONNECTS - WA students engage in live Q&A with political leaders and experts:

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➡YT: @teachwithtvw360
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QUESTION - Have a question about our lesson plans or online videos? Drop it in the comments!

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Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens. 

#waleg #teachwithtvw #CapitolClassroom #CONNECTS #civics101 #legislativenavigator #ontheissues #electionsexplained

In order for a bill to move along in the Legislative Process, it must be voted on by the entire House and Senate. This is done "on the floor", where all members gather to hear and debate bills. These gatherings on the floor are very formal and strict procedural rules are followed. This allows debate to be civil, orderly, and timely in nature. In this 6 minute video, Ms. Paulson speaks to Lieutenant Governor Denny Heck, who is also President of the Senate, about the Orders of Business that help govern actions on the floor. Watch this before you watch a Floor Debate, so you, like the Lt. Governor, know what the heck is going on.

More Learning resources:

📚Check out our other CIVICS CURRICULA for WA middle and high school teachers:
Other Teach With TVW Civics Videos
🎬 Civics 101

🎬 Legislative Navigator

🎬 Learning Modules - The Branches of WA State Government:

Other Teach With TVW Civics Programs

🙋Capitol Classroom - Bring the Legislative process into your classroom:

🙋On The Issues - Youth bring the questions to WA state leadership:

🙋TVW CONNECTS - WA students engage in live Q&A with political leaders and experts:

Subscribe and Follow Teach With TVW
➡YT: @teachwithtvw360
➡FB: @Teach with TVW
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QUESTION - Have a question about our lesson plans or online videos? Drop it in the comments!

⏰ Timecodes ⏰

Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens.

#waleg #teachwithtvw #CapitolClassroom #CONNECTS #civics101 #legislativenavigator #ontheissues #electionsexplained

YouTube Video drqs08Zhm78

WK8 March 3rd-7th – Floor Debate

Legislators are on the floor: what does that even mean? In order for a bill to move along in the legislative process, it must be voted by all the members in its House of Origin. This is done “on the floor”, where all members gather to hear and debate bills. These gatherings on the floor are very formal and strict procedural rules are followed. This allows debate to be civil, orderly, and timely in nature. In this 8 minute video, Ms. Paulson speaks to Lieutenant Governor Denny Heck, who is also President of the Senate, about the Orders of Business that help govern actions on the floor. Watch this before you watch a Floor Debate, so you, like the Lt. Governor, know what the heck is going on. 

Class Resources:

Essential Questions:

  • What are the basic steps of the legislative process?
  • How are time and priorities effectively managed?

Another week, another cutoff. By end of day, Friday February 28th, bills must be voted out of the fiscal committee in their House of Origin. So, bills with a financial impact that were introduced in the House of Representatives must move out of the Finance or Appropriations Committees and bills introduced in the Senate must move out of the Ways and Means Committee if they have any hope of becoming law. In this 4 minute video, learn about the importance of a fiscal committee, how it differs from a policy committee, what a fiscal note really is, and how to specialize your testimony for a fiscal committee. 

More Learning resources:

📚Check out our other CIVICS CURRICULA for WA middle and high school teachers:
Other Teach With TVW Civics Videos
🎬 Civics 101

🎬 Legislative Navigator

🎬 Learning Modules - The Branches of WA State Government:

Other Teach With TVW Civics Programs

🙋Capitol Classroom - Bring the Legislative process into your classroom:

🙋On The Issues - Youth bring the questions to WA state leadership:

🙋TVW CONNECTS - WA students engage in live Q&A with political leaders and experts:

Subscribe and Follow Teach With TVW 
➡YT: @teachwithtvw360
➡FB: @Teach with TVW
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QUESTION - Have a question about our lesson plans or online videos? Drop it in the comments!

⏰ Timecodes ⏰

Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens. 

#waleg #teachwithtvw #CapitolClassroom #CONNECTS #civics101 #legislativenavigator #ontheissues #electionsexplained #civics #civicseducation #budget #fiscal

Another week, another cutoff. By end of day, Friday February 28th, bills must be voted out of the fiscal committee in their House of Origin. So, bills with a financial impact that were introduced in the House of Representatives must move out of the Finance or Appropriations Committees and bills introduced in the Senate must move out of the Ways and Means Committee if they have any hope of becoming law. In this 4 minute video, learn about the importance of a fiscal committee, how it differs from a policy committee, what a fiscal note really is, and how to specialize your testimony for a fiscal committee. 

More Learning resources:

📚Check out our other CIVICS CURRICULA for WA middle and high school teachers:
Other Teach With TVW Civics Videos
🎬 Civics 101

🎬 Legislative Navigator

🎬 Learning Modules - The Branches of WA State Government:

Other Teach With TVW Civics Programs

🙋Capitol Classroom - Bring the Legislative process into your classroom:

🙋On The Issues - Youth bring the questions to WA state leadership:

🙋TVW CONNECTS - WA students engage in live Q&A with political leaders and experts:

Subscribe and Follow Teach With TVW
➡YT: @teachwithtvw360
➡FB: @Teach with TVW
➡IG: @TeachWithTVW
➡X: @TeachWithTVW
➡LI: @TeachWithTVW

QUESTION - Have a question about our lesson plans or online videos? Drop it in the comments!

⏰ Timecodes ⏰

Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens.

#waleg #teachwithtvw #CapitolClassroom #CONNECTS #civics101 #legislativenavigator #ontheissues #electionsexplained #civics #civicseducation #budget #fiscal

YouTube Video 0VxLAr5rs1c

WK7 Feb 24th-28th – Fiscal Cutoff

Another week, another cutoff. By end of day, Friday February 28th, bills must be voted out of the fiscal committee in their House of Origin. So, bills with a financial impact that were introduced in the House of Representatives must move out of the Finance or Appropriations Committees and bills introduced in the Senate must move out of the Ways and Means Committee if they have any hope of becoming law. In this 4 minute video, learn about the importance of a fiscal committee, how it differs from a policy committee, what a fiscal note really is, and how to specialize your testimony for a fiscal committee. se of Origin. 

Class Resources:

Essential Questions:

  • What are the basic steps of the legislative process?
  • How are time and priorities effectively managed?

Cutoffs are a necessary part of the legislative process, designed to keep bills moving forward. The Washington State Legislature is a part-time citizen legislature, meeting for 60 says in even numbered years and 105 days in odd numbered years. In order to ensure that bills move through the legislative process, the legislature uses a set of self imposed deadlines called cutoffs. In the 2025 session, we have just passed our first cutoff. By Friday February 21st, all bills that are not necessary to implement the budget (NTIB) must pass out of the policy committee in their House of Origin. Bills will then have one more week before the next cutoff, where they have to make it out of the fiscal committee in the House of Origin. 

More Learning resources:

📚Check out our other CIVICS CURRICULA for WA middle and high school teachers:
Other Teach With TVW Civics Videos
🎬 Civics 101

🎬 Legislative Navigator

🎬 Learning Modules - The Branches of WA State Government:

Other Teach With TVW Civics Programs

🙋Capitol Classroom - Bring the Legislative process into your classroom:

🙋On The Issues - Youth bring the questions to WA state leadership:

🙋TVW CONNECTS - WA students engage in live Q&A with political leaders and experts:

Subscribe and Follow Teach With TVW 
➡YT: @teachwithtvw360
➡FB: @Teach with TVW
➡IG: @TeachWithTVW
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QUESTION - Have a question about our lesson plans or online videos? Drop it in the comments!

⏰ Timecodes ⏰

Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens. 

#waleg #teachwithtvw #CapitolClassroom #CONNECTS #civics101 #legislativenavigator #ontheissues #electionsexplained #civics #civicseducation #legislativebranch

Cutoffs are a necessary part of the legislative process, designed to keep bills moving forward. The Washington State Legislature is a part-time citizen legislature, meeting for 60 says in even numbered years and 105 days in odd numbered years. In order to ensure that bills move through the legislative process, the legislature uses a set of self imposed deadlines called cutoffs. In the 2025 session, we have just passed our first cutoff. By Friday February 21st, all bills that are not necessary to implement the budget (NTIB) must pass out of the policy committee in their House of Origin. Bills will then have one more week before the next cutoff, where they have to make it out of the fiscal committee in the House of Origin. 

More Learning resources:

📚Check out our other CIVICS CURRICULA for WA middle and high school teachers:
Other Teach With TVW Civics Videos
🎬 Civics 101

🎬 Legislative Navigator

🎬 Learning Modules - The Branches of WA State Government:

Other Teach With TVW Civics Programs

🙋Capitol Classroom - Bring the Legislative process into your classroom:

🙋On The Issues - Youth bring the questions to WA state leadership:

🙋TVW CONNECTS - WA students engage in live Q&A with political leaders and experts:

Subscribe and Follow Teach With TVW
➡YT: @teachwithtvw360
➡FB: @Teach with TVW
➡IG: @TeachWithTVW
➡X: @TeachWithTVW
➡LI: @TeachWithTVW

QUESTION - Have a question about our lesson plans or online videos? Drop it in the comments!

⏰ Timecodes ⏰

Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens.

#waleg #teachwithtvw #CapitolClassroom #CONNECTS #civics101 #legislativenavigator #ontheissues #electionsexplained #civics #civicseducation #legislativebranch

YouTube Video gOll7cG9W6k

WK6 Feb 17th-21st – Policy Cutoff

In order to ensure that bills move through the legislative process, the legislature uses a set of self imposed deadlines called cutoffs. In the 2025 session, the first deadline is today. Learn more about why cutoffs are beneficial in this 5 minute video. By Friday February 21st, all bills that are not necessary to implement the budget (NTIB) must pass out of the policy committee in their House of Origin. Bills will then have one more week before the next cutoff, where they have to make it out of the fiscal committee in the House of Origin. 

Class Resources:

Essential Questions:

  • What are the basic steps of the legislative process?
  • How are time and priorities effectively managed?

Having your bill heard in committee is one of the first hurdles that your bill must make on its way to becoming law. Understanding the power that the Chair of the Committee wields will help you clear this hurdle. Chairs set the agenda for the committees, which means that they decide which bills will get a public hearing and which bills will be put up for a vote. With thousands of bills vying to make their way to becoming a law and only so much time, the Chair must choose bills that are "fully cooked" and ready to become laws. In this week's episode, hear from Chair of the Senate Law and Justice Committee, Senator Manka Dhingra, and how she works with all members of the Washington State Legislature to pass legislation that betters the lives of Washingtonians. 

More Learning resources:

📚Check out our other CIVICS CURRICULA for WA middle and high school teachers:
Other Teach With TVW Civics Videos
🎬 Civics 101

🎬 Legislative Navigator

🎬 Learning Modules - The Branches of WA State Government:

Other Teach With TVW Civics Programs

🙋Capitol Classroom - Bring the Legislative process into your classroom:

🙋On The Issues - Youth bring the questions to WA state leadership:

🙋TVW CONNECTS - WA students engage in live Q&A with political leaders and experts:

Subscribe and Follow Teach With TVW 
➡YT: @teachwithtvw360
➡FB: @Teach with TVW
➡IG: @TeachWithTVW
➡X: @TeachWithTVW
➡LI:  @TeachWithTVW

QUESTION - Have a question about our lesson plans or online videos? Drop it in the comments!

⏰ Timecodes ⏰

Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens. 

#waleg #teachwithtvw #CapitolClassroom #CONNECTS #civics101 #legislativenavigator #ontheissues #electionsexplained #civics #civicseducation #committeechairs #legislature

Having your bill heard in committee is one of the first hurdles that your bill must make on its way to becoming law. Understanding the power that the Chair of the Committee wields will help you clear this hurdle. Chairs set the agenda for the committees, which means that they decide which bills will get a public hearing and which bills will be put up for a vote. With thousands of bills vying to make their way to becoming a law and only so much time, the Chair must choose bills that are "fully cooked" and ready to become laws. In this week's episode, hear from Chair of the Senate Law and Justice Committee, Senator Manka Dhingra, and how she works with all members of the Washington State Legislature to pass legislation that betters the lives of Washingtonians. 

More Learning resources:

📚Check out our other CIVICS CURRICULA for WA middle and high school teachers:
Other Teach With TVW Civics Videos
🎬 Civics 101

🎬 Legislative Navigator

🎬 Learning Modules - The Branches of WA State Government:

Other Teach With TVW Civics Programs

🙋Capitol Classroom - Bring the Legislative process into your classroom:

🙋On The Issues - Youth bring the questions to WA state leadership:

🙋TVW CONNECTS - WA students engage in live Q&A with political leaders and experts:

Subscribe and Follow Teach With TVW
➡YT: @teachwithtvw360
➡FB: @Teach with TVW
➡IG: @TeachWithTVW
➡X: @TeachWithTVW
➡LI: @TeachWithTVW

QUESTION - Have a question about our lesson plans or online videos? Drop it in the comments!

⏰ Timecodes ⏰

Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens.

#waleg #teachwithtvw #CapitolClassroom #CONNECTS #civics101 #legislativenavigator #ontheissues #electionsexplained #civics #civicseducation #committeechairs #legislature

YouTube Video RnGSYPABU1w

WK5 Feb 10th-14th – The Committee Chair

Chairs set the agenda for the committees, which means that they decide which bills will get a public hearing and which bills will be put up for a vote. With thousands of bills vying to make their way to becoming a law and only so much time, the Chair must choose bills that are “fully cooked” and ready to become laws. In this week’s  4 minute episode, hear from Chair of the Senate Law and Justice Committee, Senator Manka Dhingra, and how she works with all members of the Washington State Legislature to pass legislation that betters the lives of Washingtonians. 

Class Resources:

Essential Questions:

  • How does the committee chair manage priorities and time?
  • How do committees effectively vet legislation in the public interest?

In a democracy like ours, civic engagement is imperative. There are numerous ways to make your voice heard by the government: voting, protesting, petitioning, boycotting, or writing to your legislators. But there is another way that many people may not know about or may find too intimidating: testifying at a public hearing for a pending piece of legislation. In this 7 minute video, Ms. Paulson talks to lobbyist Melissa Gombosky and Representative Andrew Barkis about the importance of testifying at a public hearing, as well as tips for what to do with your time at the microphone. 

More Learning resources:

📚 Public Hearing Lesson Plan: 

📚 Check out our other CIVICS CURRICULA for WA middle and high school teachers:
Other Teach With TVW Civics Videos
🎬 Civics 101

🎬 Legislative Navigator

🎬 Learning Modules - The Branches of WA State Government:

Other Teach With TVW Civics Programs

🙋Capitol Classroom - Bring the Legislative process into your classroom:

🙋On The Issues - Youth bring the questions to WA state leadership:

🙋TVW CONNECTS - WA students engage in live Q&A with political leaders and experts:

Subscribe and Follow Teach With TVW 
➡YT: @teachwithtvw360
➡FB: @Teach with TVW
➡IG: @TeachWithTVW
➡X: @TeachWithTVW
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QUESTION - Have a question about our lesson plans or online videos? Drop it in the comments!

⏰ Timecodes ⏰

Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens. 

#waleg #teachwithtvw #CapitolClassroom #CONNECTS #civics101 #legislativenavigator #ontheissues #electionsexplained #civics #civicseducation #protest #publictestimony

In a democracy like ours, civic engagement is imperative. There are numerous ways to make your voice heard by the government: voting, protesting, petitioning, boycotting, or writing to your legislators. But there is another way that many people may not know about or may find too intimidating: testifying at a public hearing for a pending piece of legislation. In this 7 minute video, Ms. Paulson talks to lobbyist Melissa Gombosky and Representative Andrew Barkis about the importance of testifying at a public hearing, as well as tips for what to do with your time at the microphone. 

More Learning resources:

📚 Public Hearing Lesson Plan:

📚 Check out our other CIVICS CURRICULA for WA middle and high school teachers:
Other Teach With TVW Civics Videos
🎬 Civics 101

🎬 Legislative Navigator

🎬 Learning Modules - The Branches of WA State Government:

Other Teach With TVW Civics Programs

🙋Capitol Classroom - Bring the Legislative process into your classroom:

🙋On The Issues - Youth bring the questions to WA state leadership:

🙋TVW CONNECTS - WA students engage in live Q&A with political leaders and experts:

Subscribe and Follow Teach With TVW
➡YT: @teachwithtvw360
➡FB: @Teach with TVW
➡IG: @TeachWithTVW
➡X: @TeachWithTVW
➡LI: @TeachWithTVW

QUESTION - Have a question about our lesson plans or online videos? Drop it in the comments!

⏰ Timecodes ⏰

Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens.

#waleg #teachwithtvw #CapitolClassroom #CONNECTS #civics101 #legislativenavigator #ontheissues #electionsexplained #civics #civicseducation #protest #publictestimony

YouTube Video Zoxerb1Vz38

WK4 Feb 3rd -7th – Public Testimony

Before a bill can move along in the legislative process, Senators and Representatives must hear from the public. In this 7 minute video viewers learn the formal process of public testimony in committee hearings. In this lesson, students will examine what goes into a good public testimony and then analyze excerpts of public testimonies from a bill making its way through the 2025 legislative session.

Public Testimony Lesson Plan:

Essential Questions:

  • To what extent is public testimony important?
  • How should one prepare for public testimony?

In order for a bill to be heard in a committee, it must have a legislator sign on to be its Prime Sponsor. In this 6 minute video, learn the ins and outs of prime sponsorship and the importance of gathering diverse stakeholders in getting a bill passed. We talked to Senator Claire Wilson and lobbyist Adán Espino about how essential consensus building is in the legislative process. 

More Learning resources:

📚Check out our other CIVICS CURRICULA for WA middle and high school teachers:
Other Teach With TVW Civics Videos
🎬 Civics 101

🎬 Legislative Navigator

🎬 Learning Modules - The Branches of WA State Government:

Other Teach With TVW Civics Programs

🙋Capitol Classroom - Bring the Legislative process into your classroom:

🙋On The Issues - Youth bring the questions to WA state leadership:

🙋TVW CONNECTS - WA students engage in live Q&A with political leaders and experts:

Subscribe and Follow Teach With TVW 
➡YT: @teachwithtvw360
➡FB: @Teach with TVW
➡IG: @TeachWithTVW
➡X: @TeachWithTVW
➡LI:  @TeachWithTVW

QUESTION - Have a question about our lesson plans or online videos? Drop it in the comments!

Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens. 

#waleg #teachwithtvw #CapitolClassroom #CONNECTS #civics101 #legislativenavigator #ontheissues #electionsexplained #civicseducation #civics #primesponsor

In order for a bill to be heard in a committee, it must have a legislator sign on to be its Prime Sponsor. In this 6 minute video, learn the ins and outs of prime sponsorship and the importance of gathering diverse stakeholders in getting a bill passed. We talked to Senator Claire Wilson and lobbyist Adán Espino about how essential consensus building is in the legislative process. 

More Learning resources:

📚Check out our other CIVICS CURRICULA for WA middle and high school teachers:
Other Teach With TVW Civics Videos
🎬 Civics 101

🎬 Legislative Navigator

🎬 Learning Modules - The Branches of WA State Government:

Other Teach With TVW Civics Programs

🙋Capitol Classroom - Bring the Legislative process into your classroom:

🙋On The Issues - Youth bring the questions to WA state leadership:

🙋TVW CONNECTS - WA students engage in live Q&A with political leaders and experts:

Subscribe and Follow Teach With TVW
➡YT: @teachwithtvw360
➡FB: @Teach with TVW
➡IG: @TeachWithTVW
➡X: @TeachWithTVW
➡LI: @TeachWithTVW

QUESTION - Have a question about our lesson plans or online videos? Drop it in the comments!

Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens.

#waleg #teachwithtvw #CapitolClassroom #CONNECTS #civics101 #legislativenavigator #ontheissues #electionsexplained #civicseducation #civics #primesponsor

YouTube Video ArpC3WBcd6M

WK3 Jan 27-31st – Bill Sponsors & Stakeholders

In order for a bill to be heard in a committee, it must have a legislator sign on to be its Prime Sponsor. In this 6 minute video, learn the ins and outs of prime sponsorship and the importance of gathering diverse stakeholders in getting a bill passed. We talked to Senator Claire Wilson and lobbyist Adán Espino about how essential consensus building is in the legislative process. 

Essential Questions:

  • What is the function of the Prime Sponsor?
  • How do Stakeholders help move and shape legislation?
  • What is the timeline for bringing ideas to the legislature?

When many people think of "the government", they think of legislators giving long winded speeches on the floor of the House and the Senate. However, most of the work done during the Legislative Session is done in committees. Committees are the place where bills are researched, discussed, debated, and voted upon. Committees are where the public has the chance to have their voices heard, and committees allow legislators to focus on a specific topic so that the nuances of a proposed law are clear. In this 4 minute episode of Capitol Classroom+, you will experience the anatomy of the committee room, so that when you watch a committee hearing on TVW, you know the ins and outs. 

More Learning resources:

📚Check out our other CIVICS CURRICULA for WA middle and high school teachers:
Other Teach With TVW Civics Videos
🎬 Civics 101

🎬 Legislative Navigator

🎬 Learning Modules - The Branches of WA State Government:

Other Teach With TVW Civics Programs

🙋Capitol Classroom - Bring the Legislative process into your classroom:

🙋On The Issues - Youth bring the questions to WA state leadership:

🙋TVW CONNECTS - WA students engage in live Q&A with political leaders and experts:

Subscribe and Follow Teach With TVW 
➡YT: @teachwithtvw360
➡FB: @Teach with TVW
➡IG: @TeachWithTVW
➡X: @TeachWithTVW
➡LI:  @TeachWithTVW

QUESTION - Have a question about our lesson plans or online videos? Drop it in the comments!

⏰ Timecodes ⏰

Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens. 

#waleg #teachwithtvw #CapitolClassroom #CONNECTS #civics101 #legislativenavigator #ontheissues #electionsexplained #civics #civicseducation #government #apgovernment

When many people think of "the government", they think of legislators giving long winded speeches on the floor of the House and the Senate. However, most of the work done during the Legislative Session is done in committees. Committees are the place where bills are researched, discussed, debated, and voted upon. Committees are where the public has the chance to have their voices heard, and committees allow legislators to focus on a specific topic so that the nuances of a proposed law are clear. In this 4 minute episode of Capitol Classroom+, you will experience the anatomy of the committee room, so that when you watch a committee hearing on TVW, you know the ins and outs. 

More Learning resources:

📚Check out our other CIVICS CURRICULA for WA middle and high school teachers:
Other Teach With TVW Civics Videos
🎬 Civics 101

🎬 Legislative Navigator

🎬 Learning Modules - The Branches of WA State Government:

Other Teach With TVW Civics Programs

🙋Capitol Classroom - Bring the Legislative process into your classroom:

🙋On The Issues - Youth bring the questions to WA state leadership:

🙋TVW CONNECTS - WA students engage in live Q&A with political leaders and experts:

Subscribe and Follow Teach With TVW
➡YT: @teachwithtvw360
➡FB: @Teach with TVW
➡IG: @TeachWithTVW
➡X: @TeachWithTVW
➡LI: @TeachWithTVW

QUESTION - Have a question about our lesson plans or online videos? Drop it in the comments!

⏰ Timecodes ⏰

Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens.

#waleg #teachwithtvw #CapitolClassroom #CONNECTS #civics101 #legislativenavigator #ontheissues #electionsexplained #civics #civicseducation #government #apgovernment

YouTube Video QDalLX-5Gxc

WK2 Jan 20-24th – Anatomy of a Committee

When many people think of “the government”, they think of legislators giving long winded speeches on the floor of the House and the Senate. However, most of the work done during the Legislative Session is done in committees. Committees are the place where bills are researched, discussed, debated, and voted upon. Committees are where the public has the chance to have their voices heard, and committees allow legislators to focus on a specific topic so that the nuances of a proposed law are clear. In this 4 minute episode of Capitol Classroom+, you will experience the anatomy of the committee room, so that when you watch a committee hearing on TVW, you know the ins and outs. 

Anatomy of a Committee Hearing Summary:

Essential Questions:

  • Who participates in Committee Hearings?
  • How are both political parties represented in committees?
  • How do legislative staff support and inform the committees?

Here in Washington State, it is inauguration week of the 2025 Legislature. Inauguration week marks the peaceful transfer of power from one official to the next, a hallmark of representative democracy. In this episode of Capitol Classroom+, experience these ceremonial moments: from the swearing in of all the newly elected officials, to the final State of the State from Governor Inslee and the unveiling of his official portrait, to the inaugural address of new Governor Ferguson. 

More Learning resources:

📚Check out our other CIVICS CURRICULA for WA middle and high school teachers:
Other Teach With TVW Civics Videos
🎬 Civics 101

🎬 Legislative Navigator

🎬 Learning Modules - The Branches of WA State Government:

Other Teach With TVW Civics Programs

🙋Capitol Classroom - Bring the Legislative process into your classroom:

🙋On The Issues - Youth bring the questions to WA state leadership:

🙋TVW CONNECTS - WA students engage in live Q&A with political leaders and experts:

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QUESTION - Have a question about our lesson plans or online videos? Drop it in the comments!

Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens. 

#waleg #teachwithtvw #CapitolClassroom #CONNECTS #civics101 #legislativenavigator #ontheissues #electionsexplained #civics #civicseducation #inauguration #inaugurationday #governor

Here in Washington State, it is inauguration week of the 2025 Legislature. Inauguration week marks the peaceful transfer of power from one official to the next, a hallmark of representative democracy. In this episode of Capitol Classroom+, experience these ceremonial moments: from the swearing in of all the newly elected officials, to the final State of the State from Governor Inslee and the unveiling of his official portrait, to the inaugural address of new Governor Ferguson. 

More Learning resources:

📚Check out our other CIVICS CURRICULA for WA middle and high school teachers:
Other Teach With TVW Civics Videos
🎬 Civics 101

🎬 Legislative Navigator

🎬 Learning Modules - The Branches of WA State Government:

Other Teach With TVW Civics Programs

🙋Capitol Classroom - Bring the Legislative process into your classroom:

🙋On The Issues - Youth bring the questions to WA state leadership:

🙋TVW CONNECTS - WA students engage in live Q&A with political leaders and experts:

Subscribe and Follow Teach With TVW
➡YT: @teachwithtvw360
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QUESTION - Have a question about our lesson plans or online videos? Drop it in the comments!

Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens.

#waleg #teachwithtvw #CapitolClassroom #CONNECTS #civics101 #legislativenavigator #ontheissues #electionsexplained #civics #civicseducation #inauguration #inaugurationday #governor

YouTube Video dajl-wwD21Y

WK1 Jan 13-17th – Inaugurations

The first week of the legislative session, especially after an election year, is filled with many ceremonial elements. In addition to the agenda setting speeches given by the Speaker of the House Laurie Jenkins, President of the Senate Lt. Governor Denny Heck, and Governor Bob Ferguson, legislative work started. Legislators began meeting in their committees, hearing bills. With over 40 committees meeting between the House and the Senate, there was a lot for Legislators to do! And with 1 out of every 5 members of the Legislature being new this year, the Capitol Campus was filled with many people smiling and looking for the most direct way out of the Legislative building.

Inaugural Address Lesson Plan:

Essential Questions:

  • What is the purpose of the Inaugural Address?
  • How are inaugural addresses the same? How are they different?
  • To what extent do inaugural addresses shape the incoming administration?

Beginning on January 13th,  the Legislative Building will be bustling with energy. But for the moment, it is quiet as legislators are working steadily in their offices, preparing for the next 105 days. 

For the next four months, the 98 House members and 49 Senators will be grappling with climate and energy concerns, rising housing costs, and the paramount duty of the state, K-12 education, amongst many other important issues. 

Next week, the law making process begins; following the pomp and circumstance of swearing in the new members, legislators will begin collaborating with their peers, listening to their constituents, and passing legislation to hopefully better the life of Washingtonians.

Stay tuned to see what they will be doing about the projected 10-12 billion dollar budget shortfall! 

More Learning resources:

📚Check out our other CIVICS CURRICULA for WA middle and high school teachers:
Other Teach With TVW Civics Videos
🎬 Civics 101

🎬 Legislative Navigator

🎬 Learning Modules - The Branches of WA State Government:

Other Teach With TVW Civics Programs

🙋Capitol Classroom - Bring the Legislative process into your classroom:

🙋On The Issues - Youth bring the questions to WA state leadership:

🙋TVW CONNECTS - WA students engage in live Q&A with political leaders and experts:

Subscribe and Follow Teach With TVW 
➡YT: @teachwithtvw360
➡FB: @Teach with TVW
➡IG: @TeachWithTVW
➡X: @TeachWithTVW
➡LI:  @TeachWithTVW

QUESTION - Have a question about our lesson plans or online videos? Drop it in the comments!

Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens. 

#waleg #teachwithtvw #CapitolClassroom #CONNECTS #civics101 #legislativenavigator #ontheissues #electionsexplained #civics #civicseducation

Beginning on January 13th, the Legislative Building will be bustling with energy. But for the moment, it is quiet as legislators are working steadily in their offices, preparing for the next 105 days. 

For the next four months, the 98 House members and 49 Senators will be grappling with climate and energy concerns, rising housing costs, and the paramount duty of the state, K-12 education, amongst many other important issues. 

Next week, the law making process begins; following the pomp and circumstance of swearing in the new members, legislators will begin collaborating with their peers, listening to their constituents, and passing legislation to hopefully better the life of Washingtonians.

Stay tuned to see what they will be doing about the projected 10-12 billion dollar budget shortfall! 

More Learning resources:

📚Check out our other CIVICS CURRICULA for WA middle and high school teachers:
Other Teach With TVW Civics Videos
🎬 Civics 101

🎬 Legislative Navigator

🎬 Learning Modules - The Branches of WA State Government:

Other Teach With TVW Civics Programs

🙋Capitol Classroom - Bring the Legislative process into your classroom:

🙋On The Issues - Youth bring the questions to WA state leadership:

🙋TVW CONNECTS - WA students engage in live Q&A with political leaders and experts:

Subscribe and Follow Teach With TVW
➡YT: @teachwithtvw360
➡FB: @Teach with TVW
➡IG: @TeachWithTVW
➡X: @TeachWithTVW
➡LI: @TeachWithTVW

QUESTION - Have a question about our lesson plans or online videos? Drop it in the comments!

Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens.

#waleg #teachwithtvw #CapitolClassroom #CONNECTS #civics101 #legislativenavigator #ontheissues #electionsexplained #civics #civicseducation

YouTube Video eJG9eJFxI7k


For our first 2025 Capitol Classroom+ episode (2 min), Teach with TVW shows you what it is like in the Capitol Building pre-legislative session. This time next week, the Legislative Building will be bustling with energy. But for the moment, it is quiet as legislators are working steadily in their offices, preparing for the next 105 days. 

Pre-Session Lesson Plan:

Essential Questions:

  • Who represents the people of Washington State?
  • How does the legislature function to represent the interests of the people?
  • What are some ways the community can participate in the legislature?

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