Lobbyists in Washington State

Lobbyists in Washington State

What is the job of Lobbyists in the Washington State Legislature and how are they regulated?

📣 Get easy to use WA State Election Lesson Plans: https://www.teachwithtvw.org/lesson-plans/

Organizing Concepts: 
Legislative branch, exploration of social issues and perspectives, transparency, accountability

Discussion Questions:
❓What is a lobbyist? Whom do they represent?
❓What is the Public Disclosure Commission and what does it do?
❓What are the two main types of lobbyists in our state?
❓What roles to lobbyists play in Washington State’s legislative process?
❓What support is needed to pass a law in WA?
❓According to contract lobbyist Carolyn Logue, what are some qualities of a successful lobbyist?

🔎The Washington State Public Disclosure Commission: https://www.pdc.wa.gov/

🎬Legislative video at TVW archives: http://www.tvw.org/archives

🎬 Watch This Next:

🎬 Check Out the WA Civics Modules: The Legislative Branch Playlist

Other Resources:

📚Check out our other CIVICS CURRICULA for WA middle and high school teachers: https://www.teachwithtvw.org/lesson-plans/

🔎The Washington State Legislature’s homepage: http://www.leg.wa.gov/pages/home.aspx

🔎Legislative video at TVW archives: http://www.tvw.org/archives

Other Teach With TVW Civics Videos

🎬 Civics 101 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL75F8E2rv4SDcy6Oz3plxQCqpfNUb2HGf&feature=shared

🎬 Legislative Navigator https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL75F8E2rv4SD-p5BHx443GTtGBp_DKQVT&feature=shared

🎬 Learning Modules - The Branches of WA State Government:



Other Teach With TVW Civics Programs

🙋Capitol Classroom - Bring the Legislative process into your classroom: https://teachwithtvw.org/civic-participation-in-the-classroom/

🙋On The Issues - Youth bring the questions to WA state leadership: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL75F8E2rv4SCiQlpeW9JwnJepn87zNpDT&feature=shared

🙋TVW CONNECTS - WA students engage in live Q&As with political leaders and experts:

Subscribe and Follow Teach With TVW 
➡YT: @teachwithtvw360
➡Web: https://www.teachwithtvw.org
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QUESTION - Have a question about our lesson plans or online videos? Drop it in the comments!

⏰ Timecodes ⏰

What this video is about:
In this video WA Legislative Branch series, students and viewers will learn about how Washington State’s legislative branch is designed to ensure a citizen legislature and allow for public engagement in the legislative process.. This episode focuses on how a bill becomes a law in Washington State and some key differences in the legislative process on the state and federal levels.

Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens. 

#TEACHwithTVW, #CapitolClassroom, #CONNECTS #Civics101 #LegislativeNavigator #OnTheIssues #ElectionsExplained #nextgenerationleaders #civilengagement #civicengagement #legislativeprocess #socialstudies #APGov #debate #CivicsLessonPlans

What is the job of Lobbyists in the Washington State Legislature and how are they regulated?

📣 Get easy to use WA State Election Lesson Plans: https://www.teachwithtvw.org/lesson-plans/

Organizing Concepts:
Legislative branch, exploration of social issues and perspectives, transparency, accountability

Discussion Questions:
❓What is a lobbyist? Whom do they represent?
❓What is the Public Disclosure Commission and what does it do?
❓What are the two main types of lobbyists in our state?
❓What roles to lobbyists play in Washington State’s legislative process?
❓What support is needed to pass a law in WA?
❓According to contract lobbyist Carolyn Logue, what are some qualities of a successful lobbyist?

🔎The Washington State Public Disclosure Commission: https://www.pdc.wa.gov/

🎬Legislative video at TVW archives: http://www.tvw.org/archives

🎬 Watch This Next:

🎬 Check Out the WA Civics Modules: The Legislative Branch Playlist

Other Resources:

📚Check out our other CIVICS CURRICULA for WA middle and high school teachers: https://www.teachwithtvw.org/lesson-plans/

🔎The Washington State Legislature’s homepage: http://www.leg.wa.gov/pages/home.aspx

🔎Legislative video at TVW archives: http://www.tvw.org/archives

Other Teach With TVW Civics Videos

🎬 Civics 101 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL75F8E2rv4SDcy6Oz3plxQCqpfNUb2HGf&feature=shared

🎬 Legislative Navigator https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL75F8E2rv4SD-p5BHx443GTtGBp_DKQVT&feature=shared

🎬 Learning Modules - The Branches of WA State Government:



Other Teach With TVW Civics Programs

🙋Capitol Classroom - Bring the Legislative process into your classroom: https://teachwithtvw.org/civic-participation-in-the-classroom/

🙋On The Issues - Youth bring the questions to WA state leadership: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL75F8E2rv4SCiQlpeW9JwnJepn87zNpDT&feature=shared

🙋TVW CONNECTS - WA students engage in live Q&As with political leaders and experts:

Subscribe and Follow Teach With TVW
➡YT: @teachwithtvw360
➡Web: https://www.teachwithtvw.org
➡FB: https://www.facebook.com/TeachwithTVW/
➡IG: https://www.instagram.com/teachwithtvw/
➡X: @https://twitter.com/TeachWithTVW
➡LI: https://www.linkedin.com/company/teach-with-tvw/

QUESTION - Have a question about our lesson plans or online videos? Drop it in the comments!

⏰ Timecodes ⏰

What this video is about:
In this video WA Legislative Branch series, students and viewers will learn about how Washington State’s legislative branch is designed to ensure a citizen legislature and allow for public engagement in the legislative process.. This episode focuses on how a bill becomes a law in Washington State and some key differences in the legislative process on the state and federal levels.

Teach with TVW is a free online resource provided by TVW for Washington state social studies teachers to engage their students in state government and help to inspire active citizens.

#TEACHwithTVW, #CapitolClassroom, #CONNECTS #Civics101 #LegislativeNavigator #OnTheIssues #ElectionsExplained #nextgenerationleaders #civilengagement #civicengagement #legislativeprocess #socialstudies #APGov #debate #CivicsLessonPlans

YouTube Video KR7mCQb04K8

Learn how lobbyists function in Washington State, including the role they play in the legislative process and how they are regulated.

Discussion Questions:

  • What is a lobbyist? Whom do they represent?
  • What is the Pubic Disclosure Commission and what does it do?
  • What are the two main types of lobbyists in our state?
  • What roles do lobbyists play in Washington State’s legislative process?
  • What support is needed to pass a law in WA?
  • According to contract lobbyist Carolyn Logue, what are some qualities of a successful lobbyist?


Check out the Elections Explained Series:

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