Following HB 2122 and SB 5965 – Concerning sexually violent predators.
Bill Information
History and documents for HB 2122 on
History and documents for SB 5965 on
Classroom Video Connections
Video connection 5 on March 6th with state lobbyist Joanie Deutsch and State Senator Sharon Brown:
Video connection 4 on February 20th with state lobbyist Joanie Deutsch:
Video connection 3 on February 6th with state lobbyist Joanie Deutsch:
Video connection 2 on January 16th with WA Attorney General Bob Ferguson, Policy and Legislative Analyst Mike Webb, and state lobbyist Joanie Deutsch:
Legislative Video
House Public Safety Committee executive session on SB 5965 on February 21st:
House Public Safety Committee public hearing on SB 5965 on February 19th. State lobbyist Joanie Deutsch testifies on behalf of River’s Edge students at 49:42:
Senate Floor Debate on SB 5965 on February 12th.
House Appropriations Committee public hearing on HB 2122 on February 3rd:
Senate Human Services and Corrections Committee executive session on SB 5965 on January 28th.
House Public Safety Committee executive session on HB 2122 on January 24th:
Senate Human Services and Corrections Committee public hearing on SB 5965 on January 21st. Testimony on this bill is heard from 22:55-42:00, and again from 53:10-01:07:10:
House Public Safety Committee public hearing on HB 2122 on January 14th: