HB 2221 – Creating a claim for wrongful conviction and imprisonment
SB 6150 – Authorizing the implementation of a facial recognition matching system for drivers’ licenses, permits, and identicards.
Bill Information
History and documents for HB 2221 on
History and documents for SB 6150 on
Classroom Video Connections
Video connection 6 on March 5th with state lobbyist Lisa Thatcher:
Video connection 5 on Feb 27th with Tony Sermonti from the Department of Licensing and state lobbyist Lisa Thatcher:
Video connection 4 on Feb. 13th with state lobbyist Lisa Thatcher:
Video connection 3 on Feb. 6th with Rep. Tina Orwall and state lobbyist Lisa Thatcher:
Video connection 2 on Jan. 30th with state lobbyist Lisa Thatcher:
Video connection 1 on Jan. 10th with state lobbyist Lisa Thatcher (due to technical difficulties the audio begins at 1:10 in the video):
Legislative Video
House Transportation Committee public hearing on SB 6150 on Feb. 20th:
Senate Floor Debate on SB 6150 on Feb. 13th (Part 2):
Senate Floor Debate on SB 6150 on Feb. 13th (Part 1):
Senate Transportation Committee executive session on SB 6150 on Feb. 6th:
Senate Transportation Committee public hearing on SB 6150 on Jan. 30th:
House Judiciary Committee executive sessionon HB 2221 on Jan. 19th:
House Judiciary Committee public hearing on HB 2221 on Jan. 12th: