Bill Information
- HB 1138 – Creating a task force on mental health and suicide prevention in higher education.
- HB 1226 – Concerning arrest of sixteen and seventeen year olds for domestic violence assault.
- Companion Bill SB 5605
Classroom Video Connections
Video connection 5 on April 17th with WA Representative Melanie Stambaugh and lobbyist Dan Coyne:
Video connection 4 on March 26th with lobbyist Dan Coyne:
Video connection 3 on March 11th with lobbyist Dan Coyne:
Video connection 2 on February 27th with lobbyist Dan Coyne:
Video connection 1 on February 10th with lobbyist Dan Coyne:
Legislative Video
Governor Inslee Bill Signing Ceremony for HB 1138 on April 23rd (begins at 6:28):
Senate Floor Debate on HB 1138 on April 13th:
Senate Ways and Means Committee executive session on HB 1138 on April 7th:
Senate Ways and Means Committee public hearing on HB 1138 on April 6th:
Senate Higher Education Committee public hearing on HB 1138 on March 24th:
House Floor Debate on HB 1138 on March 2nd:
House Higher Education Committee executive session on HB 1138 on February 4th:
House Higher Education Committee public hearing on HB 1138 on January 28th:
House Early Learning and Human Services Committee executive session on HB 1226 on January 30th:
House Early Learning and Human Services Committee public hearing on HB 1226 on January 27th:
Senate Human Services, Mental Health, and Housing Committee public hearing on SB 5605 on February 2nd: