Bill Information
- SB 5666 – Concerning cetacean captivity.
- Companion Bill 2115
- HB 1355 – Increasing the minimum hourly wage to twelve dollars over four years.
- Companion Bill SB 5285
- SB 6029 – Establishing a living wage.
Classroom Video Connections
Video connection 5 on April 3rd with lobbyist Charlie Brown:
Video connection 4 on March 20 with lobbyist Charlie Brown:
Video connection 3 on March 6th with lobbyist Charlie Brown:
Video connection 2 on February 20th with lobbyist Charlie Brown:
Video connection 1 on February 6th with lobbyist Charlie Brown:
Legislative Video
Senate Commerce and Labor Committee public hearing on HB 1355 on March 30th:
House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee executive session on HB 2115 on February 19th:
House Appropriations Committee executive session on HB 1355 on February 19th:
House Appropriations Committee public hearing on HB 1355 on February 16th:
Senate Natural Resources and Parks Committee public hearing on SB 5666 on February 5th:
House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee public hearing on HB 2115 on February 18th:
House Labor Committee executive session on HB 1355 on January 29th:
House Labor Committee public hearing on HB 1355 on January 26th: