Volunteer Lobbyists are the heart of our program!

Capitol Classroom

Want to engage the next generation in civics?

Join TVW in this mission by being part of the Capitol Classroom program!

Each year, Teach with TVW partners volunteer lobbyists with teachers to guide middle and high school students through the legislative session in five ½ hr meetings over Zoom. 

Benefits of joining the program:

See our youth become more engaged in learning how to make their voices heard.

Help teachers bring direct experiences into their classrooms.

Enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that you had a part in empowering the next generation of civic leaders.

Hear what others have to say about the program:

“I love this program and I’m glad students in Washington have access to it.”

-Chelsea Hager, Volunteer Lobbyist

“I learned a lot about the legislative and lobbying process. This process also got me excited to get involved in the local and federal government. Thank you so much! I feel so lucky to have been a part of this experience.”

– Nora, 12th grade, Kingston High School – Kingston

“It is a great program. I encourage all lobbyists to give it a try. Teach kids to appreciate the process and learn how to work within it.”

-Carolyn Logue, Volunteer Lobbyist

“I appreciate you guys! CC is one of the things I love most about session.”

-Emily Murphy, Volunteer Lobbyist

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